Today's invitation was mostly for my youngest child.  Unlike my first child, who would happily cover herself in paint, my last has never enjoyed getting her hands dirty.  She prefers painting with brushes than with her fingers and has never been one to sit in the sandpit but will tolerate it in a tray.  Sometimes her sisters will get her there but she won't seek these things out like the others had.

On the weekend, I'd (half) cleaned out the pantry and found a bag of semolina past its use by date. It's still cold here although the sun is beginning to shine again thankfully.  Our seed tray outside is still getting plenty of use but it's nice to have something inside to play with so today I put the old semolina into a tub and handed it over to my 4yr old thinking she might like its fine, dry, silky texture.  Turns out she did and the rest is her story today.

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

After quizzing me about what it was and what it was for (usually), we talked about what might like to play in it now - animals!!  So it became a desert and the forks, well they're trees with no leaves because it's hot she tells me. 

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

 We also found out that semolina is great stuff for making footprints in, 

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

 drawing in, 

Sensory way - her way.  Using expired pantry items to encourage sensory play in a hesitant child.  Find out more at

 and writing in. 

It holds its shape better than salt and, being coloured, you could see the line more easily.  She wrote the first letter of her own name and then the first letter of each of her sisters' names.

And then she wrote my name!  It's moments like those that make your heart fill just a little more.

Then my eldest came home from school and most of it is now on my kitchen floor...